Suicide Prevention Training for the entire community

Question, Persuade, Refer

Three steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide

What is QPR?

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Each year thousands of Americans, like you, are saying "Yes" to saving the life of a friend, colleague, sibling, or neighbor. QPR can be learned in our course in as little as one hour.

Whether it's for an organization, a neighborhood association, faith community, etc., QPR is for everybody!

Office Address

55 West Main Street, Suite 202
Meriden, Connecticut 06451

About us

The CCB is an independent, non-governmental, 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization that offers certification for addiction counselors, clinical supervisors, co-occurring disorders and prevention professionals in Connecticut. The Board has established specialty certificates in substance abuse, co-occurring disorders, and problem gambling for professionals licensed and credentialed in other behavioral healthcare domains. The Board is active in a number of important state-wide workforce development initiatives, provides training/continuing education and ensures that the trainings provided in Connecticut by approved vendors meet established standards.